The set
command is used to set some properties of the analysis.
Linear Elastic Simplification
In a general non-linear context, each substep requires at least two system solving, one for initial guess, one for convergence test. There is no general way to detect a linear system automatically, with which we know the initial guess leads to convergence so that further system solving is not necessary. To speed up simulation, one can use the following command to indicate the system is linear.
With this enabled, only one system solving will be performed in each substep.
Substepping Control
To use a fixed substep size, users can define
Otherwise, the algorithm will automatically substep the current step if convergence is not met. The time step control strategy cannot be customized.
To define the initial step size, users can use
To define the maximum/minimum step size, users can use
Solving Related Settings
Matrix Storage Scheme
Asymmetric Banded
Symmetric Banded
Full Storage
If the problem scale is small, it does not hurt if a full storage scheme is used. For some particular issues such as particle collision issues, the full storage scheme is the only option.
Full Packed Storage
If the matrix is symmetric, a so-called pack format can be used to store the matrix. Essentially, only the upper or the lower triangle of the matrix is stored. The spatial cost is half of that of the full storage, but the solving speed is no better. The _spsv()
subroutine is used for matrix solving. It is not recommended using this packed scheme.
Sparse Storage
The sparse matrix is also supported. Several sparse solvers are implemented.
Direct System Solver
Different solvers are implemented for different storage schemes. It is possible to switch from one to another by using the following command. Details are covered in the summary table.
Mixed Precision Algorithm
The following command can be used to control if to use mixed precision refinement. This command has no effect if the target matrix storage scheme has no mixed precision implementation.
Iterative Refinement
The maximum number of refinements can be bounded by
Iterative Refinement Tolerance
If the mixed precision algorithm is used, it is possible to use the following command to control the tolerance.
Thus, the following command set makes sense.
All available settings are summarised in the following table.
set symm_mat false
set band_mat false
symm. banded
set symm_mat true
set band_mat true
asymm. banded
set symm_mat false
set band_mat true
symm. packed
set symm_mat true
set band_mat false
set sparse_mat true
Some empirical guidance can be concluded as follows.
For most cases, the asymmetric banded storage with full precision solver is the most general option.
The best performance is obtained by using symmetric banded storage, if the (effective) stiffness matrix is guaranteed to be positive definite, users shall use it as a priority.
The mixed precision algorithm often gives the most significant performance boost for full storage with
solver. It outperforms the full precision algorithm when the size of system exceeds several thousands.The
solver is slightly slower than the conventionalLAPACK
solver is slower than theMUMPS
solver. The multithreadedSuperLU
performs LU factorization in parallel but forward/back substitution in sequence.The
direct solver andFGMRES
iterative solver are provided byMKL
solver supports both symmetric and asymmetric algorithms. One can useset symm_mat true
orset symm_mat false
Iterative System Solver
[available from v2.5]
It is possible to use iterative solvers to solve the linear system of equations. Currently, two solvers are available by using the following command.
As the iterative solvers are relatively independent of the matrix storage scheme, thus, all different storage schemes can be used along with different iterative solvers. One should beware that different storage schemes may affect the performance of iterative solvers as they largely depend on matrix--vector multiplication.
Mixed precision solving is not supported by the iterative solvers.
[available from v3.0]
It is also possible to use GPU-based iterative solver powered by the MAGMA library. The binaries shipped officially are not compiled with GPU support. Users can compile the library with GPU support by themselves. See here for more details.
Three preconditioners are available for the iterative solvers.
The None
preconditioner uses identify matrix as the preconditioner.
The Jacobi
preconditioner uses the diagonal of the matrix as the preconditioner. This is the default one but may not perform well for certain problems.
preconditioner uses the incomplete LU factorization of the matrix as the preconditioner. This ILU
preconditioner is provided by the SuperLU
If the iterative solver is used, then it is possible to set the tolerance of the iterative solver. In this case, tolerance assigned will not be used by mixed precision algorithm as it is not activated due to an iterative solver is defined.
Alternatively, there is a dedicated matrix storage which employs the Lis
library. See here for more details.
Parallel Matrix Assembling
By default, the coloring algorithm is enabled. To disable it, users can use the following command.
As a NP hard problem, there is no optimal algorithm to find the minimum chromatic number. The Welsh-Powell algorithm is implemented in suanPan
. The maximum independent set algorithm is also available, it may outperform the Welsh-Powell algorithm on large models. To switch, users can use the following command.
Also, depending on the problem setup, such a coloring may or may not help to improve the performance. If there are not a large number of matrix assembling, the time saved may not be significant. Thus, for problems of small sizes, users may consider disabling coloring.
This option has no effect if a sparse storage is used.
Penalty Number
For some constraints and loads that are implemented by using the penalty method, the default penalty number can be overridden.
This command does not overwrite user defined penalty number if the specific constraint or load takes the penalty number than input arguments.
FGMRES Iterative Tolerance
iterative solver, one can use the following dedicated command to control the tolerance of the algorithm.
If the boundary condition is applied via the penalty method, say for example one previously uses set constraint_multiplier 1E8
, then there is no need to set a tolerance smaller than 1E-8
. A slightly larger value is sufficient for an iterative algorithm, one can then set
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