
The CDP Model With Tabular Data Support

The formulation is identical to that of the CDP model.

The tabular backbones and damage evolution are supported in this model to provide more flexibility in terms of customizing the response.

In total, four tables are required.


material TableCDP (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) [8] [9] [10] [11]
# (1) int, unique material tag
# (2) double, elastic modulus
# (3) double, poisson's ratio
# (4) string, file name of tension backbone table
# (5) string, file name of compression backbone table
# (6) string, file name of tension damage table
# (7) string, file name of compression damage table
# [8] double, dilatancy parameter, default: 0.2
# [9] double, biaxial compression strength ratio, default: 1.16
# [10] double, stiffness recovery ratio, default: 0.5
# [11] double, density, default: 0


  1. For backbone tables, the slope between the last two points cannot be zero. The last stress value shall be as close to zero as possible.

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