
Newmark Algorithm With Lee Damping Model (Elemental Type 0 Only)

Please check the references for theory.

For the moment, MPC cannot be considered in all global damping models.

!!! Note This integrator must be used with ElementalLee modifier to work properly.


integrator LeeElementalNewmark (1) (2) (3) ((4) (5)...)
# (1) int, unique integrator tag
# (2) double, alpha
# (3) double, beta
# (4) double, reference damping ratio \zeta_p at the peak of each mode
# (5) double, circular frequency \omega_p at the peak of each mode

See also LeeNewmark and LeeNewmarkFull.

The actually damping ratio applied is the product of the reference damping ratio and the ratio defined in each modifier.

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