
2D Force Based Bernoulli Beam With Lumped End Hinges

  • Number of Nodes: 2

  • Number of DoFs: 3 (Translation, Translation, Rotation)


element F21H (1) (2) (3) (4) [5] [6]
# (1) int, unique element tag
# (2) int, node i
# (3) int, node j
# (4) int, section tag
# [5] double, normalized length of each end hinge, default: 0.2
# [6] bool string, nonlinear geometry switch, default: false


  1. The interior is assumed to be elastic so the response can be precomputed. For each end hinge, two integration points are used.

  2. To use the corotational formulation for nonlinearity, please turn on the switch.

  3. Unlike 3D beam elements, there is no need to attach an orientation to 2D beam elements.

Output Type

This model supports the following additional history variables to be recorded.

variable labelphysical meaning


local element deformation


local element resistance

For example,

hdf5recorder (1) Element BEAME (2...)
hdf5recorder (1) Element BEAMS (2...)
# (1) int, unique recorder tag
# (2...) int, tags of elements to record

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