
2D Node(Slave)-Line(Master) Contact Element


element Contact2D (1) (2) (3) [4]
# (1) int, unique element tag
# (2) int, master group tag
# (3) int, slave group tag
# [4] double, penalty factor


  1. The contact algorithm is implemented via penalty function method as an element. The parameter [4] controls the magnitude of penalty.

  2. No matter whether the nlgeom switch is on or off for connected elements, the contact detection itself is always conducted in a nonlinear manner, similar to the total Lagrangian formulation.

  3. The node-line contact detection is performed for all nodes defined in slave group and lines defined by nodes in master group. There are $n-1$ line segments for $n$ nodes in master group.

  4. Master nodes can penetrate lines formed in slave group. To prevent this, define a new Contact2D element by swapping the order of slave and master groups.

  5. Example usage can be seen in the example.

Last updated