
Upsample a Given Seismogram

Minimum version: v2.6


upsampling (1) (2) [3] [4]
# (1) string, file path of the seismogram file
# (2) integer, upsampling rate
# [3] string, window type, default: 'Hamming'
# [4] integer, window length, default: 0


The seismogram must be stored in double column plain text file. The first column stores the time series, and the second column stores the acceleration amplitudes.

The time series must be equally spaced.

The window type can be one of the following:

  • Hamming

  • Hann

  • Blackman

  • BlackmanNuttall

  • BlackmanHarris

  • FlatTop

If the upsampling rate is denoted as LL, the window length is nL+1nL+1. The parameter nn is controlled by the last parameter.

Last updated