The expressions should take one input argument, the damage variable, κ. The κ is different from the degradation denoted as d. The output should have a size of six.
The expression shall generate six numbers based on the input κ:
final stress:
effective stress
derivative of
derivative of
derivative of
The κ ranges from 0 to 1.
The damage degradation index d shall satisfy: d(0)=0 and d(1)=1.
The f is the actual stress observed as the final output of the model.
Let's, say, for example, the damage degradation is a linear function of κ, that is
so that d(0)=0 and d(1)=1.
Assume the effective stess is a constant, say fˉ=10. The stress is then
where x maps to κ and y maps to the six components of the output.
The κ is the accumulated area under the plastic strain-stress curve over the given g, in this example, g=0.2.