
Translation Connector Implemented via Penalty Method



  • Number of Nodes: 3

  • Number of DoFs: 2 (Translation: UX, Translation: UY)

element TranslationConnector2D (1) (2) (3) (4) [5]
# (1) int, unique element tag
# (2) int, node i
# (3) int, node j
# (4) int, node k
# [5] double, penalty factor


  • Number of Nodes: 3

  • Number of DoFs: 3 (Translation: UX, Translation: UY, Translation: UZ)

element TranslationConnector3D (1) (2) (3) (4) [5]
# (1) int, unique element tag
# (2) int, node i
# (3) int, node j
# (4) int, node k
# [5] double, penalty factor


The schematic is shown as follows.

The initial position of node kk is not necessarily on the line defined by nodes ii and jj.

The TranslationConnector will pull node kk to the (closest point of) line defined by nodes ii and jj.

The ratio cc is computed according to the initial positions and remains constant during the analysis.

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