
Multilinear Origin Oriented Hysteresis Model


material MultilinearOO (1) (2) (3) [4]
# (1) int, unique material tag
# (2) string, file name of tension backbone
# (3) string, file name of compression backbone
# [4] double, density, default: 0.0

History Variable Layout

Since it is derived from the SimpleHysteresis model, they share the same history variable layout.


  1. The backbone file must have exact two columns, stores turning points of the backbone.

  2. The origin does not need to be included.

  3. Tension backbone shall be positive.

  4. Compression backbone shall be negative, positive table will be converted to negative.

  5. If strain exceeds the last point, the last stress will be returned.


Backbone is stored in file Backbone.

.002 30
.004 50
.006 60
.01 50
.02 40
material MultilinearOO 1 Backbone Backbone
materialTest1D 1 1E-4 200 400

Last updated